DVT (SafeStake) swap to LINK (Chainlink)
BEST ANSWER: DVT swap to LINK Robert White – robert.white@gmail.com (۲۰۲۴-۱۲-۱۰ ۱۷:۵۵) Can I conduct an exchange from SafeStake (DVT) to Chainlink (LINK)? David Wilson – david.wilson@gmail.com (۲۰۲۴-۱۲-۱۱ ۱۰:۵۳) Here’s a link for token exchanges: DVT swap to LINK. Look, you might find something! Robert White – robert.white@gmail.com (۲۰۲۴-۱۲-۱۱ ۱۴:۰۷) Yes, everything is understood, thank…